Friday, February 5, 2010

[ReBirth] The Chronicles Of ….A New Begining

The following was written few years back. I stumbled upon my old blog and upon reading it; a sense of déjà vu hits me. It’s quite refreshing having the opportunity to evoke the memories of the past and I vividly remember how and what I actually felt at that time. Oh well, I think it’s a noble idea to jot down my endeavour and look back at it in the not so distance future. I will repost few of my old entries @ poetic rambling and will start with the following :) Enjoy.

+  fy | Feb 05, 2010 @ 7.23 p.m +

The Chronicles Of ….A New Begining

December 29th, 2006 by fahmi-y
As another year is coming to an end, people always come up with the initiative of creating a new resolution to start the year with. This has never been a thing that I truly bothered to do mainly because I know that I do not have the discipline to do the hard yard. This being said, I’ve finally decided to join in the masses and determined to start a blog entry.
I do not know (and frankly do not care) as why I’m compelled to start a blog. I’ve always wanted to write a journal/diary since I was a kid but never really got to it. I guess it’s just because I hate writing and have the mentality of ‘Who cares anyway!!’ Well, that’s about to change as I plan to write something on a regular basis. My reasoning behind this is that:

“Time is flying so fast that we tend to forget the event that is happening around us (which is kinda sad). At the end of the day, I felt that my life is filled with empty spots and I’ve nothing to show for all the things that I’ve done.”
By jotting things down on a blog at least I can flip thru previous entries and be reminded of things that had happened regardless of how insignificant it is. Enough of my incoherent blabbering … Hope this is something that I will follow thru but we’ll just have to wait and see.This is the chronicles of … 
p/s: I’m no Shakespeare so if any of the entry does not make 
sense to you, too bad

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