Friday, February 5, 2010


Watching twenty20 while playing around with the blog interface. Designed the header and the signature/logo to go with it. Clean and simple - gives the page a bit of depth. Guess that's what happen when you're bored and have nothing better to do. Hehe.

p.s. Pakistan is surprisingly doing quite well for once this summer. This being said, it's not over yet.

+  fy | Feb 05, 2010 @ 10.24 p.m +

[ReBirth] The Chronicles Of ….A New Begining

The following was written few years back. I stumbled upon my old blog and upon reading it; a sense of déjà vu hits me. It’s quite refreshing having the opportunity to evoke the memories of the past and I vividly remember how and what I actually felt at that time. Oh well, I think it’s a noble idea to jot down my endeavour and look back at it in the not so distance future. I will repost few of my old entries @ poetic rambling and will start with the following :) Enjoy.

+  fy | Feb 05, 2010 @ 7.23 p.m +

The Chronicles Of ….A New Begining

December 29th, 2006 by fahmi-y
As another year is coming to an end, people always come up with the initiative of creating a new resolution to start the year with. This has never been a thing that I truly bothered to do mainly because I know that I do not have the discipline to do the hard yard. This being said, I’ve finally decided to join in the masses and determined to start a blog entry.
I do not know (and frankly do not care) as why I’m compelled to start a blog. I’ve always wanted to write a journal/diary since I was a kid but never really got to it. I guess it’s just because I hate writing and have the mentality of ‘Who cares anyway!!’ Well, that’s about to change as I plan to write something on a regular basis. My reasoning behind this is that:

“Time is flying so fast that we tend to forget the event that is happening around us (which is kinda sad). At the end of the day, I felt that my life is filled with empty spots and I’ve nothing to show for all the things that I’ve done.”
By jotting things down on a blog at least I can flip thru previous entries and be reminded of things that had happened regardless of how insignificant it is. Enough of my incoherent blabbering … Hope this is something that I will follow thru but we’ll just have to wait and see.This is the chronicles of … 
p/s: I’m no Shakespeare so if any of the entry does not make 
sense to you, too bad